But the inclusion of one in Jacob's guitar case gift to Hurley at least makes it clear he was the one interested in these names. Do we have a better idea now of what these lists mean? No. We've been hearing The Others reference "lists" for years and Ilana said Frank was a "candidate" on the season five finale. This would imply that the island was recently submerged.

But there were two things worth noticing when the camera went underwater: that was a Dharma shark swimming around and the The Others' village appeared built/intact. Again, there's only so much we can extrapolate about the parallel flight 815 timeline right now. In a chilling scene, which almost ought to earn Terry O'Quinn an Emmy Award already and which alternated between sunlight and dark shadows on his face, Fake Locke said he wanted to go home. Or at least not the part of the island where he's resided all this time. somewhere.įake Locke isn't from the island. Fake Locke then knocked Richard out and carried him away. He referred to Richard's past "in chains," backing up many fans' theories that the never-aging advisor was on that slave ship years and years ago. Fake Locke seemed well-acquainted with Richard, even though it had seemingly been a very long time since they met. Then again, there's an actual dead Locke body, on top of the one The Man on Black is now using. What better way for Jacob to fight against his long-time nemesis than by also occupying the body of a deceased individual? Or, as another theory: might Sayid actually be Jacob resurrected? According to Ben, after all, the island does not bring people back to life, which was proven true when we learned Locke has remained dead since being strangled. but at what cost? Remember when Richard took child Ben to The Temple and warned that he'd never be the same? What does this mean for suddenly-revived Sayid? Nothing good, we're afraid. But it looks like we'll get quick answers about these people (we'll call them The Temple Troupe), as we already know flight attendant Cindy is one of them they answer to Jacob their magic water can save lives.

We'll be honest: our eyes almost rolled upon being introduced to yet another new group on the island. Does this mean he pretended to be Christian every time Jack saw his father on the island? And Alex when she told Ben to follow every word Locke said? We'd have to assume so on both accounts. TVF Take: So The Man in Black can take on the form of Smokey and of dead people. We're still giddy over Fake Locke's words to Ben: Sorry you had to see me like that. Has there ever been a cooler scene on Lost than when Fake Locke transformed into the monster, wreaked havoc and then appeared again in human form. Kudos to the show for revealing one of the most sought after answers in the very first episode. Where's Libby? Ana Lucia? The most intriguing line from this parallel universe:Ĭharlie telling Jack he was "supposed to die." We're clearly meant to be confused, and are left pondering the differences between what we just saw on flight 815 versus what we knew about these characters' pre-crash lives prior to this reboot.

There's not much else to take away from this development. TVF Take: Huh?!? This is some alternative reality, but it's one where fate appears to be bringing certain favorites (Jack and Locke, Claire and Kate) together in some way. To wit: Hurley is now the luckiest guy alive Shannon chose to remain in Australia Desmond was a passenger on flight 815. Jughead didn't just "work," as Juliet apparently wanted to tell Sawyer before she died, in putting all castaways safely on the plane. For now, catch up on a basic recap of "LA X" and try to keep your head on straight as we review the events from the episode below.